5 Tips For Creating A Sleek Banner Design For Your Company

A varied marketing strategy helps organisations identify their target audience, set objectives, measure results, and stay ahead of the competition. 

While digital marketing via websites and social media posts can increase your visibility, you should never neglect banners and signs: they're a popular way to market your brand, especially during conferences and trade shows. 

If you want to become a skilled designer and get the most out of your banner printing, keep reading… We’ve got you covered.

Add Your Company Logo

Your sales and marketing efforts will be useless if you don’t have a logo for your brand, so we advise including this in your banner design.

By selecting eye-catching colours and textures, you will ensure that your banner attracts attention from potential customers and highlights your company’s mission. The prominence of the colours will also allow the banner to be visible from a distance, meaning that people can recognise and remember your company faster. 

Keep it Simple

Simple is always best on a banner design. Place your company logo in the centre, and select a background and font that makes it stand out. It’s also a good idea to include an image when you’re advertising a particular product.

White space around the design is acceptable, but you must make it meaningful: don’t have much of it occupying the area, otherwise you could risk making the banner looking cluttered.

Use Bold Colours - Consistent With Your Brand

Be under no illusions that your colour choices will affect how your viewers see your company. The right hues attract more customers, while the wrong ones deter them, not to mention that each colour sends a different message to grab the viewer’s attention.

You can make the most of colour by considering the implications behind each one and the contrast between hues. 

Have You COnsidered A Vertical Banner?

All businesses want to stand out, especially in a climate of rapid change and competition. You can make your business memorable by using a unique layout for your marketing materials. 

While there’s nothing wrong with using a conventional landscape banner, going for the more lucrative vertical banner may be just the solution for distinguishing your business.

You can decorate your banner with a striking image, an eye-catching logo, and text that concisely communicates the message you want to send. You should also know how to hang it properly during local or national events.. 

Add a Compelling Call To Action

While you can have appealing visuals, no marketing strategy would be complete without telling your target audience what to do next.

An intriguing call to action (CTA) can attract viewers to try your product, and is best consolidated with a unique design and a strong action verb. You should also not make it longer than four words for the sake of keeping the phrase easy to read and remember. 

It’s even better if the words spark a sense of urgency and importance.

LOOKING for a BANNER to be printed?

Despite the rise in digital marketing strategies, banners remain effective when designed and displayed properly. You can make it something special by selecting the best colours, adding your logo, and finding a reputable banner printing company to realise the vision.

If you need professional banner printing in Kent, get in touch with Absolute Creative Print! We’re committed to helping businesses grow with our quality design, print, and display solutions. Contact us now to get a quote!


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